Why should companies hire a personnel consultancy?
The search for personnel is an important issue for every company. Especially in today's times of shortage of skilled workers, it is a major concern for every employer to prevail against the competition on the market and to find the right candidate out of a small number of applicants - and to do so in the shortest possible time. This is where recruitment agencies come into play.
Recruitment agencies are experts in finding and recruiting qualified employees. They enrich your search in the following areas:
Time saving: A professional recruitment agency can relieve you of the time-consuming process of selecting applicants, so that you can concentrate on your core business.
Quality of applicants: Good recruitment agencies have access to a network of qualified candidates, giving you access to the best talent on the market.
Expertise: Recruitment agencies are experts in their field and can help you identify the best applicants and conduct interviews.
But not all recruitment agencies are the same. Choosing the right personnel consultancy plays a crucial role in successful recruiting.

How do I find the right HR consultancy?
To ensure that you choose the service provider that really suits you, we have written instructions to help you.
1. Define your requirements
Before you start looking for a staffing agency, it is crucial that you clearly define your requirements and expectations. What type of positions need to be filled? What qualifications and skills are required? What industry and specialization do you need? The more precisely you describe your requirements, the better the recruitment agency can support you.
2. Research specialization & references
Choosing the right recruitment agency requires thorough research. Start by making a list of staffing companies that specialize in your industry or positions. Use search engines and peer recommendations to find potential service providers.
Once you have a list, start evaluating the companies. Pay attention to the following criteria:
• Specialization: Check whether the company has experience in your industry and specifically in the type of positions you want to fill.
You can find out about Schulmeister’s specializations here.
• References: Research how long the company has been in the industry and read reviews and testimonials from customers.
Get an idea of Schulmeister now and read our reviews on Kununu.at
You can then eliminate those recruitment agencies that do not meet your needs and expectations.
3. What specific services are offered?
Not every recruitment agency offers the same services 1:1. Think about the areas in which you would like support and ask the remaining consultations whether this is offered.
You can find everything about the Schulmeister service package here.
4. Contractual agreements
Before you finally decide on a recruitment agency, it is important to find out about the costs and fees associated with the company's services and to clarify the contractual agreements in detail. Make sure all key points have been covered, including fee structure.
If you have now found the personnel consultancy that suits you in terms of specialization, experience, references, services and contractual details, then nothing stands in the way of commissioning you.