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Article by Barbara Schreiber


Happy at work: The best strategies for job satisfaction

Work life

In today's hectic working world, many people long for more happiness and satisfaction at work. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of happiness can help us to achieve this. A 1978 study on hedonic adaptation shows that our happiness levels stabilize in the long term, regardless of external changes. Internal factors such as meaningful work and personal development are crucial for lasting happiness at work. In our blog article, we show strategies & tips to achieve a more fulfilling professional life for companies and employees.


Happy and satisfied at work

Hedonic adaptation and its significance

Hedonic adaptation describes the tendency of our happiness levels to stabilize despite significant positive or negative changes in life. A study conducted by American psychologists in 1978 found that, regardless of whether we win the lottery or suffer a serious accident, our long-term well-being tends to return to a stable level. This finding underlines the importance of inner sources of happiness and emphasizes that external circumstances have no lasting influence on our well-being.   

Now, in order to achieve happiness and satisfaction at work, an understanding of hedonic adaptation is very helpful. It is important to understand that the initial thrill of a promotion or a pay rise often only leads to a temporary increase in job satisfaction, and happiness levels return to normal within a short period of time. This process is called the hedonistic treadmill. If you focus too much on these superficial factors in the pursuit of happiness and satisfaction, you run the risk of falling into this hedonistic treadmill. However, lasting happiness in the workplace depends on deeper factors such as meaningful work, opportunities for personal development or team cohesion.  

Strategies for increasing job happiness

To achieve a sustainable level of happiness at work, we can draw on two strategies from positive psychology:  

  1. Thank you letters: Writing a thank you letter to someone who has impacted your life in a positive way not only lifts the recipient's mood, but also your own. Of course, in the hectic and modern working world, hardly anyone will find the time to write a long thank-you letter. But how about a short email to say thank you? This practice promotes a culture of appreciation and connection in the workplace.  
  2. Daily affirmations: Simple daily affirmations, such as "Today will be a good day," can positively change our perspective and attitude. These small, daily rituals help to cultivate a positive mindset. So instead of arriving at the office in a bad mood, you could start the day with consciously positive thoughts.  

In positive psychology, there are many other strategies that we can use for our own happiness and satisfaction. These include conscious friendliness towards colleagues/suppliers/customers or maintaining social contacts at work. Read more about effective positive psychology interventions here. 

What can companies & managers do for team happiness and satisfaction?

Companies can benefit from these findings by developing strategies that promote the well-being of their employees. As we know, employee satisfaction is also in the company's interest, because happy employees are more productive employees, as we have already shown in this article -> Money alone does not make you happy: 8 ways to really motivate employees. For this reason, some companies also rely on regular employee surveys. The HappinessandWork Scale (HAW) by Rehwaldt & Kortsch, for example, is used to measure the happiness level of the team in the work context and to be able to take subsequent steps to maintain or increase happiness.  

Rather than focusing solely on financial incentives, organizations should take steps to promote meaningful engagement and a positive work environment. These include: 

  • Opportunities for further training: Training courses, workshops and mentoring programs contribute to the professional and personal development of employees.  
  • Creating a supportive community: Team-building activities and open communication channels strengthen cohesion and a sense of community within the company.  
  • Recognition and appreciation: Regular recognition of employees' achievements and contributions promotes a culture of gratitude and appreciation. 

5 tips for promoting happiness at work

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are a variety of other practical approaches to increase happiness and satisfaction in the workplace. Here are some tips and methods: 

1. Design an inspiring working environment:  

  • Incorporate natural elements: Plants, natural light and a pleasant interior design can significantly increase well-being.  
  • Create places of retreat: Areas where employees can retreat and relax help to reduce stress and recharge their batteries. 

2. Flexibility and work-life balance: 

  • Flexible working hours: Allow your employees to work flexible hours to achieve a better work-life balance.  
  • Remote working: Wherever possible, offer the option to work from home to reduce commuting and provide a more comfortable working environment.  

3. Regular feedback meetings: 

  • Constructive feedback: Frequent, open and constructive feedback rounds promote the further development and satisfaction of employees.  
  • Target agreements: Clear goals and expectations create orientation and enable employees to track and celebrate their progress.  

4. Health promotion: 

  • Promote exercise: Offers such as fitness classes, yoga or ergonomic workstations support physical health.  
  • Mental health: Workshops and seminars on stress management and mental health are essential for holistic well-being. 

5. Recognition and rewards:

  • Small rewards: Small, regular rewards such as vouchers, days off or public recognition motivate and strengthen the sense of community.  
  • Celebrate team successes: Joint successes should be celebrated in order to strengthen the sense of togetherness. 

Our conclusion

The pursuit of happiness and satisfaction in professional life is a continuous process that goes far beyond financial incentives. Hedonic adaptation shows that external circumstances only have temporary effects on our well-being. It is therefore crucial to find and cultivate internal and sustainable sources of happiness. Companies that recognize this and take appropriate action not only create a more productive and motivated team, but also a deeper sense of connection and satisfaction in the workplace. By implementing the above strategies and tips, both employers and employees can enjoy a more fulfilling and happier working life.


Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberaterin lächelnd Michaela

Making your life work better by making your work life better

Are you looking for a job that makes you happy? Then take a look at our current vacancies or send us your CV. We look forward to hearing from you!



Are you looking for employees? We are happy to support you - contact us today!


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Christiane Tusek

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Article by Barbara Schreiber


Happy at work: The best strategies for job satisfaction

Work life

In today's hectic working world, many people long for more happiness and satisfaction at work. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of happiness can help us to achieve this. A 1978 study on hedonic adaptation shows that our happiness levels stabilize in the long term, regardless of external changes. Internal factors such as meaningful work and personal development are crucial for lasting happiness at work. In our blog article, we show strategies & tips to achieve a more fulfilling professional life for companies and employees.


Happy and satisfied at work

Hedonic adaptation and its significance

Hedonic adaptation describes the tendency of our happiness levels to stabilize despite significant positive or negative changes in life. A study conducted by American psychologists in 1978 found that, regardless of whether we win the lottery or suffer a serious accident, our long-term well-being tends to return to a stable level. This finding underlines the importance of inner sources of happiness and emphasizes that external circumstances have no lasting influence on our well-being.   

Now, in order to achieve happiness and satisfaction at work, an understanding of hedonic adaptation is very helpful. It is important to understand that the initial thrill of a promotion or a pay rise often only leads to a temporary increase in job satisfaction, and happiness levels return to normal within a short period of time. This process is called the hedonistic treadmill. If you focus too much on these superficial factors in the pursuit of happiness and satisfaction, you run the risk of falling into this hedonistic treadmill. However, lasting happiness in the workplace depends on deeper factors such as meaningful work, opportunities for personal development or team cohesion.  

Strategies for increasing job happiness

To achieve a sustainable level of happiness at work, we can draw on two strategies from positive psychology:  

  1. Thank you letters: Writing a thank you letter to someone who has impacted your life in a positive way not only lifts the recipient's mood, but also your own. Of course, in the hectic and modern working world, hardly anyone will find the time to write a long thank-you letter. But how about a short email to say thank you? This practice promotes a culture of appreciation and connection in the workplace.  
  2. Daily affirmations: Simple daily affirmations, such as "Today will be a good day," can positively change our perspective and attitude. These small, daily rituals help to cultivate a positive mindset. So instead of arriving at the office in a bad mood, you could start the day with consciously positive thoughts.  

In positive psychology, there are many other strategies that we can use for our own happiness and satisfaction. These include conscious friendliness towards colleagues/suppliers/customers or maintaining social contacts at work. Read more about effective positive psychology interventions here. 

What can companies & managers do for team happiness and satisfaction?

Companies can benefit from these findings by developing strategies that promote the well-being of their employees. As we know, employee satisfaction is also in the company's interest, because happy employees are more productive employees, as we have already shown in this article -> Money alone does not make you happy: 8 ways to really motivate employees. For this reason, some companies also rely on regular employee surveys. The HappinessandWork Scale (HAW) by Rehwaldt & Kortsch, for example, is used to measure the happiness level of the team in the work context and to be able to take subsequent steps to maintain or increase happiness.  

Rather than focusing solely on financial incentives, organizations should take steps to promote meaningful engagement and a positive work environment. These include: 

  • Opportunities for further training: Training courses, workshops and mentoring programs contribute to the professional and personal development of employees.  
  • Creating a supportive community: Team-building activities and open communication channels strengthen cohesion and a sense of community within the company.  
  • Recognition and appreciation: Regular recognition of employees' achievements and contributions promotes a culture of gratitude and appreciation. 

5 tips for promoting happiness at work

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are a variety of other practical approaches to increase happiness and satisfaction in the workplace. Here are some tips and methods: 

1. Design an inspiring working environment:  

  • Incorporate natural elements: Plants, natural light and a pleasant interior design can significantly increase well-being.  
  • Create places of retreat: Areas where employees can retreat and relax help to reduce stress and recharge their batteries. 

2. Flexibility and work-life balance: 

  • Flexible working hours: Allow your employees to work flexible hours to achieve a better work-life balance.  
  • Remote working: Wherever possible, offer the option to work from home to reduce commuting and provide a more comfortable working environment.  

3. Regular feedback meetings: 

  • Constructive feedback: Frequent, open and constructive feedback rounds promote the further development and satisfaction of employees.  
  • Target agreements: Clear goals and expectations create orientation and enable employees to track and celebrate their progress.  

4. Health promotion: 

  • Promote exercise: Offers such as fitness classes, yoga or ergonomic workstations support physical health.  
  • Mental health: Workshops and seminars on stress management and mental health are essential for holistic well-being. 

5. Recognition and rewards:

  • Small rewards: Small, regular rewards such as vouchers, days off or public recognition motivate and strengthen the sense of community.  
  • Celebrate team successes: Joint successes should be celebrated in order to strengthen the sense of togetherness. 

Our conclusion

The pursuit of happiness and satisfaction in professional life is a continuous process that goes far beyond financial incentives. Hedonic adaptation shows that external circumstances only have temporary effects on our well-being. It is therefore crucial to find and cultivate internal and sustainable sources of happiness. Companies that recognize this and take appropriate action not only create a more productive and motivated team, but also a deeper sense of connection and satisfaction in the workplace. By implementing the above strategies and tips, both employers and employees can enjoy a more fulfilling and happier working life.


Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberaterin lächelnd Michaela

Making your life work better by making your work life better

Are you looking for a job that makes you happy? Then take a look at our current vacancies or send us your CV. We look forward to hearing from you!



Are you looking for employees? We are happy to support you - contact us today!


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