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What do we love about recruiting? 

Matching people with jobs.  


Thanks to our talent pool, we accelerate the time to hire so that you’re always one step ahead of your competitors.


We’ve been in business for over 20 years and know not only the market but also its players.


We advise graduates of renowned universities of applied sciences and get in touch with young professionals before they are even looking for a job.


Our consultants are real industry insiders with relevant professional experience and therefore know exactly what is important for your job search.

We believe in 
making your life work better by
making your work life better.

What do you need to go home with a smile on your face at the end of your working day? As an HR consultancy, it is our job to ask the right questions - even if they may look a little different to what you are used to. Because at Schulmeister Consulting, we are not content with job placement, but also like to support and guide our applicants in their medium- and long-term career planning. 


Your specialised personnel consultancy: figures that speak for themselves.







Admittedly: There are now many recruitment consultancies. But only a few focus on certain specialist areas and therefore do not know the market and the industry well enough. That's what sets us apart!


Article by Michael Schindl


ChatGPT in HR: A step-by-step guide to optimal team training

Recruiting tips

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has already revolutionized many aspects of our lives and work environments. In this era of innovation, AI is increasingly being used in various business areas, and one of the most exciting examples of this is ChatGPT - a powerful AI model that can handle natural language processing and can generate human-like texts. Integrating ChatGPT into HR teams can increase efficiency and productivity, but it also requires basic training to ensure the technology is used to its fullest potential. In this blog article, we'll show you a step-by-step guide on how to make your HR department aware of how to use ChatGPT.


What is ChatGPT actually?

ChatGPT is a breakthrough AI model based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) approach. It can understand and generate natural language, making it useful in multiple use cases, including customer interactions, support chats, content creation, and more. In the HR context, ChatGPT can be used for tasks such as writing job ads, answering frequently asked questions from employees, creating employee handbooks, and more.


Benefits of integrating ChatGPT into HR teams

Integrating ChatGPT into HR departments offers several benefits:

  • Efficient communication: ChatGPT enables fast and efficient communication with employees, applicants and other stakeholders. Frequently asked questions can be answered automatically without the need for HR staff to manually intervene each time. 
  • Around-the-clock availability: ChatGPT can be available 24/7 to answer questions and provide information. This allows employees and applicants to access the information they need at any time, regardless of office hours. 
  • Time Savings: Routine tasks such as answering recurring questions, providing handbooks, or conducting applicant pre-qualifications can be handled by ChatGPT. This gives HR staff more time to focus on more complex tasks. 
  • Consistency: ChatGPT provides consistent and accurate information because it uses predefined and carefully designed responses. This prevents different employees from providing different information. 
  • Innovative and modern image: ChatGPT integration signals to employees and applicants that the company uses innovative technologies to provide a smooth and contemporary interaction. 
  • Data-based insights: ChatGPT can collect data on frequently asked questions, concerns or trends. This data can be used to optimize HR strategies and better meet employee needs. 

Side Fact: Applicants have already discovered Chat GPT. This article shows how they can benefit from it in the application process. Finding your dream job with Chat GPT: Does it work? 

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the Most Out of ChatGPT

In order for HR teams to effectively take advantage of ChatGPT, basic training is essential. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure your HR team is optimally prepared to use ChatGPT: 

Step 1: Basic introduction to ChatGPT: Explain to members of your HR team the basics of ChatGPT, how it works, and how it is used in communications. Clarify the benefits of using AI-based communication. 

Step 2: Define goals and use cases: Identify clear goals and use cases for using ChatGPT in HR. This could be answering frequently asked questions from employees, pre-selecting applicants, or supporting the onboarding phase. 

Step 3: Explain privacy and ethics: Emphasize the importance of privacy and ethical responsibility when dealing with ChatGPT. Make sure your team understands the policies and procedures for securing sensitive information. 

Step 4: Hands-on Workshops: Provide hands-on teaching sessions where team members interact with ChatGPT. Show them how to make requests, interpret responses, and improve them if necessary. Explain to your team members how to use keywords and key phrases to get accurate and relevant responses from ChatGPT. 

Tip: Set up a regular feedback loop where team members can share their experiences and challenges in using ChatGPT. This enables continuous improvements and fine-tuning. 

Step 5: Case studies and examples: Share case studies or examples of how other companies have successfully integrated ChatGPT into their HR departments. This can promote understanding and provide inspiring ideas. 

Step 6: Monitoring and optimization: Explain how ChatGPT performance is monitored and how the system can be continuously optimized. Train the team to identify and correct inappropriate or incorrect responses. 

Tip: Emphasize the importance of continuous learning with respect to ChatGPT and AI technologies in general. Recommend resources such as training materials, online courses, or community discussions to keep your HR team's knowledge current. 

Step 7: Review results: Regularly review the results achieved and measure the benefits of ChatGPT in your HR department. Adjust training strategies and application guidelines as needed to ensure optimal performance. 


Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Robert Svetez

Integrating ChatGPT into HR teams offers exciting opportunities to increase efficiency, employee communication quality and image. With in-depth training, your HR staff can ensure they are realizing the full potential of this technology while ensuring human interaction and accountability. Combining human intelligence and AI can be a powerful partnership to meet the demands of modern HR management in the AI age. 

At Schulmeister, we know exactly how to efficiently use ChatGPT in the recruiting process - and we're happy to do the same for your HR search. Get in touch with us today! 



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Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Managing Director Controller Institute

"Due to their special professional competences in controlling, finance and accounting, the consultants of Schulmeister Management Consulting understand the needs of companies and candidates in this field to a particularly high degree."

Christiane Tusek

Christiane Tusek

Vice Rector for Finance

"In the meantime we have 5 first-class colleagues in our team. Schulmeister always supported us in the best and most competent way during the search, recognised the requirements and our needs excellently and implemented them quickly. We are more than satisfied with our new employees and can highly recommend Schulmeister."

Hannes Gruber

Hannes Gruber

Head of HR Global Headquarters

"We really appreciate professional cooperation with Schulmeister. Thanks to their support, we were able to successfully fill both expert and management positions. We would like to emphasise the way in which they thought their way into the position to be filled during the clarification of the assignment, the apt pre-selection as well as the professional candidate presentation on a global level."

Lothar Kofranek

Lothar Kofranek

Quality Manager and Head of Administration

"Thanks to Schulmeister's support, our recruiting process went much more efficiently and quickly than we expected. Schulmeister's consultants not only know how to match professional expertise with our requirements, but also demonstrated a very keen sense of the character and personal qualities of all applicants. Schulmeister captured the atmospheric conditions in our company very well and considered the candidates not least in terms of social compatibility."

Article by Michael Schindl


ChatGPT in HR: A step-by-step guide to optimal team training

Recruiting tips

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has already revolutionized many aspects of our lives and work environments. In this era of innovation, AI is increasingly being used in various business areas, and one of the most exciting examples of this is ChatGPT - a powerful AI model that can handle natural language processing and can generate human-like texts. Integrating ChatGPT into HR teams can increase efficiency and productivity, but it also requires basic training to ensure the technology is used to its fullest potential. In this blog article, we'll show you a step-by-step guide on how to make your HR department aware of how to use ChatGPT.


What is ChatGPT actually?

ChatGPT is a breakthrough AI model based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) approach. It can understand and generate natural language, making it useful in multiple use cases, including customer interactions, support chats, content creation, and more. In the HR context, ChatGPT can be used for tasks such as writing job ads, answering frequently asked questions from employees, creating employee handbooks, and more.


Benefits of integrating ChatGPT into HR teams

Integrating ChatGPT into HR departments offers several benefits:

  • Efficient communication: ChatGPT enables fast and efficient communication with employees, applicants and other stakeholders. Frequently asked questions can be answered automatically without the need for HR staff to manually intervene each time. 
  • Around-the-clock availability: ChatGPT can be available 24/7 to answer questions and provide information. This allows employees and applicants to access the information they need at any time, regardless of office hours. 
  • Time Savings: Routine tasks such as answering recurring questions, providing handbooks, or conducting applicant pre-qualifications can be handled by ChatGPT. This gives HR staff more time to focus on more complex tasks. 
  • Consistency: ChatGPT provides consistent and accurate information because it uses predefined and carefully designed responses. This prevents different employees from providing different information. 
  • Innovative and modern image: ChatGPT integration signals to employees and applicants that the company uses innovative technologies to provide a smooth and contemporary interaction. 
  • Data-based insights: ChatGPT can collect data on frequently asked questions, concerns or trends. This data can be used to optimize HR strategies and better meet employee needs. 

Side Fact: Applicants have already discovered Chat GPT. This article shows how they can benefit from it in the application process. Finding your dream job with Chat GPT: Does it work? 

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the Most Out of ChatGPT

In order for HR teams to effectively take advantage of ChatGPT, basic training is essential. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure your HR team is optimally prepared to use ChatGPT: 

Step 1: Basic introduction to ChatGPT: Explain to members of your HR team the basics of ChatGPT, how it works, and how it is used in communications. Clarify the benefits of using AI-based communication. 

Step 2: Define goals and use cases: Identify clear goals and use cases for using ChatGPT in HR. This could be answering frequently asked questions from employees, pre-selecting applicants, or supporting the onboarding phase. 

Step 3: Explain privacy and ethics: Emphasize the importance of privacy and ethical responsibility when dealing with ChatGPT. Make sure your team understands the policies and procedures for securing sensitive information. 

Step 4: Hands-on Workshops: Provide hands-on teaching sessions where team members interact with ChatGPT. Show them how to make requests, interpret responses, and improve them if necessary. Explain to your team members how to use keywords and key phrases to get accurate and relevant responses from ChatGPT. 

Tip: Set up a regular feedback loop where team members can share their experiences and challenges in using ChatGPT. This enables continuous improvements and fine-tuning. 

Step 5: Case studies and examples: Share case studies or examples of how other companies have successfully integrated ChatGPT into their HR departments. This can promote understanding and provide inspiring ideas. 

Step 6: Monitoring and optimization: Explain how ChatGPT performance is monitored and how the system can be continuously optimized. Train the team to identify and correct inappropriate or incorrect responses. 

Tip: Emphasize the importance of continuous learning with respect to ChatGPT and AI technologies in general. Recommend resources such as training materials, online courses, or community discussions to keep your HR team's knowledge current. 

Step 7: Review results: Regularly review the results achieved and measure the benefits of ChatGPT in your HR department. Adjust training strategies and application guidelines as needed to ensure optimal performance. 


Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Robert Svetez

Integrating ChatGPT into HR teams offers exciting opportunities to increase efficiency, employee communication quality and image. With in-depth training, your HR staff can ensure they are realizing the full potential of this technology while ensuring human interaction and accountability. Combining human intelligence and AI can be a powerful partnership to meet the demands of modern HR management in the AI age. 

At Schulmeister, we know exactly how to efficiently use ChatGPT in the recruiting process - and we're happy to do the same for your HR search. Get in touch with us today! 



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