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Schulmeister Consulting Personnel Consultant smiling

What do we love about recruiting? 

Matching people with jobs.  


Thanks to our talent pool, we accelerate the time to hire so that you’re always one step ahead of your competitors.


We’ve been in business for over 20 years and know not only the market but also its players.


We advise graduates of renowned universities of applied sciences and get in touch with young professionals before they are even looking for a job.


Our consultants are real industry insiders with relevant professional experience and therefore know exactly what is important for your job search.

We believe in 
making your life work better by
making your work life better.

What do you need to go home with a smile on your face at the end of your working day? As an HR consultancy, it is our job to ask the right questions - even if they may look a little different to what you are used to. Because at Schulmeister Consulting, we are not content with job placement, but also like to support and guide our applicants in their medium- and long-term career planning. 


Your specialised personnel consultancy: figures that speak for themselves.







Admittedly: There are now many recruitment consultancies. But only a few focus on certain specialist areas and therefore do not know the market and the industry well enough. That's what sets us apart!


Article by Matthias Schulmeister


Annual Appraisal 2.0 - Are you already asking these 14 questions?

Recruiting tips

It's that time again: the annual staff appraisals are coming up. They are actually a good instrument to exchange ideas with each other in peace and quiet. But many people associate them with tense discussions rather than open and constructive conversations. In this article, we will show you what a successful appraisal interview can look like and present 14 questions that will help you achieve one.


Annual Appraisal 2.0 - Are you already asking these 14 questions?

[Translate to English:]

What are the objectives of an appraisal interview?

Annual appraisals are an important part of human resource management in many companies. They offer employees and managers the opportunity to discuss performance, development and goals in a regular and structured way. As a manager, you naturally pursue different goals than your employees: 

From the manager's point of view: 

  • Performance appraisal (often the basis of performance-related pay) 
  • Ensure the optimal deployment of staff 
  • Improving cooperation and communication 
  • Employee retention and job satisfaction 
  • Reflect on further development along different areas 
  • Information flow and transparency about developments 
  • Recognising and targeted promotion of potential and strengths 

From the employees' point of view: 

  • Receive qualified and constructive feedback 
  • Recognition and appreciation 
  • Reflect on development opportunities and targeted support 
  • Building trust and communication with the supervisor 
  • Transparency regarding relevant changes and developments 

Three phases in the annual appraisal

The basis for a motivating and positive annual appraisal is thorough planning on the part of HR and the supervisor. Also, do not forget to give your employees an overview of the topics and the structure of the interview. This way, both parties can prepare, know what to expect and there are no surprises.

How can an annual appraisal be structured?

  1. Reflect - successes and challenges of the last year
  2. Current situation - Analyse tasks and work situation
  3. Outlook - discuss goals and development options

Checklist: Are you already asking these 14 questions?

How successful your next appraisal interviews will be can be controlled quite simply by asking questions. Phrases like "What were the biggest successes and challenges this year?" are used by - and they are important . However, more innovative questions can be more insightful because they are more thought-provoking.  


  • What "new" things have you learned in the last year? 
  • Which project/ task has put you to the test in the last year? 
  • What have you learned from our corporate values and visions in the last year and how do you implement them in your daily work? 
  • Which tasks do you already do in your sleep and where do you still need professional support?  
  • If you had to give your past year a grade today, how would you rate it? 

The last question, for example, would be a good transition to the current situation: In order to evaluate the next year even better, to move from a 2 to a 1, what would have to change in concrete terms? 


  • What is the potential for improvement in terms of cooperation and communication within your team? 
  • How is your work-life balance and what do you need to improve it even more? 
  • What is the current status of your resources ? 
  • What would make your work more efficient (e.g. software)? 


  • What do you need from me as a leader to achieve your goals - what can I support you with in concrete terms? 
  • What skills or knowledge would you like to learn or improve in the coming year? 
  • What more or less do you want from me as a leader for the coming year?  
  • If you could give the coming year a motto, what would you choose? 
  • Nobody is perfect: Choose one characteristic of yourself that you would like to develop further in the coming year and on which you would like to focus. For example, choose punctuality or more transparent communication. Do you have a role model for the target result that you can use as a guide or someone you can ask for support? 

It is important that these questions are asked openly and invitingly so that staff can express themselves freely. This way you can find out what motivates them and what their goals and ambitions are, and then help them to achieve them. TIP: Give employees the necessary time to think about the question - patience is a virtue ;)

Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Matthias Schulmeister

Your reliable
partner in
in matters of recruiting.

You don't just want to keep your team but also expand it? We support you! At Schulmeister, we know what matters when it comes to recruiting - and we're happy to share our knowledge. Feel free to call us at any time!


Conclusion: A badly conducted conversation has consequences

For many employees, work is an important part of their lives and it is important that they feel good in their job. It is not for nothing that we take our Passion Statement "making your life work better by making your work life better" very seriously. 

Therefore, it is even more important that the interview is successful, because if annual reviews are not conducted well, employees leave the meeting disappointed and demotivated. Other consequences can be reduced work performance, less commitment or a negative working atmosphere. So-called "sham talks", which are only held as a pretext and in which one cannot speak openly, also lead to a loss of trust and credibility. 

Through annual appraisals, you as a manager can find out how satisfied your employees really are and, if necessary, uncover potential for improvement and frustrations. This way you avoid an increased risk of staff turnover and resignations and make a sustainable investment in your team. 

Our network, your advantage.

Find and retain skilled workers: We support you in this.

What distinguishes us as a recruitment consultancy? Our clear specialization in the finance, IT and real estate sectors. Plus: All of our consultants have industry-specific training and professional experience - because experts like to communicate at eye level.

Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Robert Svetez

Leading in finance.

Welcome to the No. 1: We are Austria's leading personnel consultancy in the financial sector - and have been for over 20 years.  



Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung junior Personalberaterin mit Buch in der Hand

IT recruiting at eye level.

Our IT consultants fill even the most demanding positions. To do this, they recruit worldwide and in several languages - IT jargon included.



Very well connected.

Whether asset managers or positions in property management: thanks to our contacts in the real estate industry, we always have the right candidates in mind.  



In 3 simple steps to your dream job


Simply upload your CV. 


CV fits the job? We get to know each other.


Convince potential employers now! 

Is Schulmeister your perfect match? Ask our customers!

Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Managing Director Controller Institute

"Due to their special professional competences in controlling, finance and accounting, the consultants of Schulmeister Management Consulting understand the needs of companies and candidates in this field to a particularly high degree."

Christiane Tusek

Christiane Tusek

Vice Rector for Finance

"In the meantime we have 5 first-class colleagues in our team. Schulmeister always supported us in the best and most competent way during the search, recognised the requirements and our needs excellently and implemented them quickly. We are more than satisfied with our new employees and can highly recommend Schulmeister."

Hannes Gruber

Hannes Gruber

Head of HR Global Headquarters

"We really appreciate professional cooperation with Schulmeister. Thanks to their support, we were able to successfully fill both expert and management positions. We would like to emphasise the way in which they thought their way into the position to be filled during the clarification of the assignment, the apt pre-selection as well as the professional candidate presentation on a global level."

Lothar Kofranek

Lothar Kofranek

Quality Manager and Head of Administration

"Thanks to Schulmeister's support, our recruiting process went much more efficiently and quickly than we expected. Schulmeister's consultants not only know how to match professional expertise with our requirements, but also demonstrated a very keen sense of the character and personal qualities of all applicants. Schulmeister captured the atmospheric conditions in our company very well and considered the candidates not least in terms of social compatibility."

Article by Matthias Schulmeister


Annual Appraisal 2.0 - Are you already asking these 14 questions?

Recruiting tips

It's that time again: the annual staff appraisals are coming up. They are actually a good instrument to exchange ideas with each other in peace and quiet. But many people associate them with tense discussions rather than open and constructive conversations. In this article, we will show you what a successful appraisal interview can look like and present 14 questions that will help you achieve one.


Annual Appraisal 2.0 - Are you already asking these 14 questions?

[Translate to English:]

What are the objectives of an appraisal interview?

Annual appraisals are an important part of human resource management in many companies. They offer employees and managers the opportunity to discuss performance, development and goals in a regular and structured way. As a manager, you naturally pursue different goals than your employees: 

From the manager's point of view: 

  • Performance appraisal (often the basis of performance-related pay) 
  • Ensure the optimal deployment of staff 
  • Improving cooperation and communication 
  • Employee retention and job satisfaction 
  • Reflect on further development along different areas 
  • Information flow and transparency about developments 
  • Recognising and targeted promotion of potential and strengths 

From the employees' point of view: 

  • Receive qualified and constructive feedback 
  • Recognition and appreciation 
  • Reflect on development opportunities and targeted support 
  • Building trust and communication with the supervisor 
  • Transparency regarding relevant changes and developments 

Three phases in the annual appraisal

The basis for a motivating and positive annual appraisal is thorough planning on the part of HR and the supervisor. Also, do not forget to give your employees an overview of the topics and the structure of the interview. This way, both parties can prepare, know what to expect and there are no surprises.

How can an annual appraisal be structured?

  1. Reflect - successes and challenges of the last year
  2. Current situation - Analyse tasks and work situation
  3. Outlook - discuss goals and development options

Checklist: Are you already asking these 14 questions?

How successful your next appraisal interviews will be can be controlled quite simply by asking questions. Phrases like "What were the biggest successes and challenges this year?" are used by - and they are important . However, more innovative questions can be more insightful because they are more thought-provoking.  


  • What "new" things have you learned in the last year? 
  • Which project/ task has put you to the test in the last year? 
  • What have you learned from our corporate values and visions in the last year and how do you implement them in your daily work? 
  • Which tasks do you already do in your sleep and where do you still need professional support?  
  • If you had to give your past year a grade today, how would you rate it? 

The last question, for example, would be a good transition to the current situation: In order to evaluate the next year even better, to move from a 2 to a 1, what would have to change in concrete terms? 


  • What is the potential for improvement in terms of cooperation and communication within your team? 
  • How is your work-life balance and what do you need to improve it even more? 
  • What is the current status of your resources ? 
  • What would make your work more efficient (e.g. software)? 


  • What do you need from me as a leader to achieve your goals - what can I support you with in concrete terms? 
  • What skills or knowledge would you like to learn or improve in the coming year? 
  • What more or less do you want from me as a leader for the coming year?  
  • If you could give the coming year a motto, what would you choose? 
  • Nobody is perfect: Choose one characteristic of yourself that you would like to develop further in the coming year and on which you would like to focus. For example, choose punctuality or more transparent communication. Do you have a role model for the target result that you can use as a guide or someone you can ask for support? 

It is important that these questions are asked openly and invitingly so that staff can express themselves freely. This way you can find out what motivates them and what their goals and ambitions are, and then help them to achieve them. TIP: Give employees the necessary time to think about the question - patience is a virtue ;)

Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Matthias Schulmeister

Your reliable
partner in
in matters of recruiting.

You don't just want to keep your team but also expand it? We support you! At Schulmeister, we know what matters when it comes to recruiting - and we're happy to share our knowledge. Feel free to call us at any time!


Conclusion: A badly conducted conversation has consequences

For many employees, work is an important part of their lives and it is important that they feel good in their job. It is not for nothing that we take our Passion Statement "making your life work better by making your work life better" very seriously. 

Therefore, it is even more important that the interview is successful, because if annual reviews are not conducted well, employees leave the meeting disappointed and demotivated. Other consequences can be reduced work performance, less commitment or a negative working atmosphere. So-called "sham talks", which are only held as a pretext and in which one cannot speak openly, also lead to a loss of trust and credibility. 

Through annual appraisals, you as a manager can find out how satisfied your employees really are and, if necessary, uncover potential for improvement and frustrations. This way you avoid an increased risk of staff turnover and resignations and make a sustainable investment in your team.