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Admittedly: There are now many recruitment consultancies. But only a few focus on certain specialist areas and therefore do not know the market and the industry well enough. That's what sets us apart!


Article by Barbara Schreiber


VUCA vs. BANI: The corporate strategies of the future

Recruiting tips

In a world that is constantly changing, it is crucial for companies to be able to adapt quickly and remain flexible. Traditional management approaches often reach their limits here. In recent years, two models have emerged as particularly relevant: VUCA and BANI. But what exactly do these terms mean? How do they differ? We answer these questions in our blog article and give you valuable tips on how you can incorporate VUCA and BANI into your corporate strategy.


From pandemic to climate crisis - is our world descending into chaos?

News streams regularly confront us with crises and challenges. Our outlook for the future seems to be getting darker and daker. War, climate change & co dominate the media. This also has an impact on our everyday working lives: companies are constantly struggling with resource bottlenecks and as soon as targets are defined, they have to be adjusted again due to changing circumstances.

Flexibility and adaptability are therefore more important than ever, but what does this mean for the modern working world?

VUCA - more understanding in a complex world

The term VUCA was developed in the 1990s and is made up of the words "volatility", "uncertainty", "complexity" and "ambiguity". The model originates from the U.S. Army War College. There it was used for reorientation after the Cold War. In recent years, the VUCA model has found its way into the management strategies of successful companies and is taught at renowned business schools.


How you can integrate the VUCA model into your business practice

  • Volatility: Our modern world is characterized by constant change. Companies have to adapt quickly to volatile markets, customer requirements and resources. Instead of defining long-term goals, short-term milestones should be set, which can be adapted to changing circumstances if necessary.
  • Uncertainty: Long-term planning and future forecasts are often not possible in the VUCA world. This leads to uncertainty on the part of companies, employees and customers. Decision-makers should therefore run through various future scenarios. This allows them to prepare for different situations and react more quickly to unexpected developments.
  • Complexity: In a complex world, cause-and-effect relationships are often difficult to recognize, which requires a flexible approach to problem solving. It is important to take different perspectives into account. Teams should be able to analyze complex problems together and find creative solutions.
  • Ambiguity: Describes the ambiguity of information that can be interpreted in different ways and does not allow clear conclusions to be drawn. We are flooded with streams of news every day. It can be difficult to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. Transparent communication and regular sharing of company-specific information are essential to avoid misunderstandings.

BANI - the mindset of the future

While VUCA describes the challenges of a volatile world, BANI goes one step further and highlights the ongoing consequences of fragile structures. The emotional aspect plays a major role here. Futurologist Jamais Cascio first presented this model in 2020. Management strategies based on BANI often include a stronger focus on employee engagement, risk management and the ability to deal with non-linear developments.

How you integrate the BANI model into your business practice

  • Brittle: BANI sheds light on the fragility of systems and structures in a rapidly changing environment. Even if they often appear strong on the outside, many systems are fragile on the inside. Robust risk management helps to identify potential weaknesses and take preventive measures.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety and uncertainty play a major role in uncertain times. It is important to take employees' concerns seriously and strengthen their commitment through open communication.
  • Non-linear: Current events are often no longer logically linked and do not show a clear cause-and-effect relationship. Clear decisions cannot be made so easily. Major efforts often have no effect, while small decisions can have a huge impact. Attempts to use conventional means such as fixed structures and purely factual decisions often lead to a dead end. It is therefore important to obtain regular feedback. Short feedback loops make it possible to recognize changes quickly and easily.
  • Incomprehensible: The VUCA concept recognizes the ambiguity of information. Nowadays, our environment is not only complex, but often also incomprehensible. Many events and changes seem illogical, which means that we are often confronted with unexpected situations. Companies and their employees often simply feel overwhelmed by certain developments. Managers should clearly communicate corporate goals and strategies in order to promote a better understanding of change.

VUCA vs. BANI - which strategy is better?

In practical application, the differences between the two concepts, VUCA and BANI, become apparent. While VUCA focuses on the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous aspects of our modern world, BANI aims to address fragility, anxiety, non-linearity and inconsistency. In business practice, this means that a company that focuses on VUCA aim for rapid adaptation, agile processes and flexible planning methods. Instead of creating long-term project plans and relying on individual forecasts, teams should be able to react quickly to new information and requirements. Agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban make it possible to tackle projects in short iterations and adapt them flexibly.

On the other hand, BANI requires companies to rethink their risk tolerance, focus on the emotional needs of employees and strengthen their ability to solve problems non-linearly. Companies that adopt the BANI model meet modern challenges with resilient structures, mindfulness, adaptability & transparency.

Our conclusion

Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Robert Svetez

Find the right strategy for your company

Both approaches offer valuable perspectives for tackling today's business challenges, but the choice between VUCA and BANI depends on your organization's individual needs and goals.



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Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Managing Director Controller Institute

"Due to their special professional competences in controlling, finance and accounting, the consultants of Schulmeister Management Consulting understand the needs of companies and candidates in this field to a particularly high degree."

Christiane Tusek

Christiane Tusek

Vice Rector for Finance

"In the meantime we have 5 first-class colleagues in our team. Schulmeister always supported us in the best and most competent way during the search, recognised the requirements and our needs excellently and implemented them quickly. We are more than satisfied with our new employees and can highly recommend Schulmeister."

Hannes Gruber

Hannes Gruber

Head of HR Global Headquarters

"We really appreciate professional cooperation with Schulmeister. Thanks to their support, we were able to successfully fill both expert and management positions. We would like to emphasise the way in which they thought their way into the position to be filled during the clarification of the assignment, the apt pre-selection as well as the professional candidate presentation on a global level."

Lothar Kofranek

Lothar Kofranek

Quality Manager and Head of Administration

"Thanks to Schulmeister's support, our recruiting process went much more efficiently and quickly than we expected. Schulmeister's consultants not only know how to match professional expertise with our requirements, but also demonstrated a very keen sense of the character and personal qualities of all applicants. Schulmeister captured the atmospheric conditions in our company very well and considered the candidates not least in terms of social compatibility."

Article by Barbara Schreiber


VUCA vs. BANI: The corporate strategies of the future

Recruiting tips

In a world that is constantly changing, it is crucial for companies to be able to adapt quickly and remain flexible. Traditional management approaches often reach their limits here. In recent years, two models have emerged as particularly relevant: VUCA and BANI. But what exactly do these terms mean? How do they differ? We answer these questions in our blog article and give you valuable tips on how you can incorporate VUCA and BANI into your corporate strategy.


From pandemic to climate crisis - is our world descending into chaos?

News streams regularly confront us with crises and challenges. Our outlook for the future seems to be getting darker and daker. War, climate change & co dominate the media. This also has an impact on our everyday working lives: companies are constantly struggling with resource bottlenecks and as soon as targets are defined, they have to be adjusted again due to changing circumstances.

Flexibility and adaptability are therefore more important than ever, but what does this mean for the modern working world?

VUCA - more understanding in a complex world

The term VUCA was developed in the 1990s and is made up of the words "volatility", "uncertainty", "complexity" and "ambiguity". The model originates from the U.S. Army War College. There it was used for reorientation after the Cold War. In recent years, the VUCA model has found its way into the management strategies of successful companies and is taught at renowned business schools.


How you can integrate the VUCA model into your business practice

  • Volatility: Our modern world is characterized by constant change. Companies have to adapt quickly to volatile markets, customer requirements and resources. Instead of defining long-term goals, short-term milestones should be set, which can be adapted to changing circumstances if necessary.
  • Uncertainty: Long-term planning and future forecasts are often not possible in the VUCA world. This leads to uncertainty on the part of companies, employees and customers. Decision-makers should therefore run through various future scenarios. This allows them to prepare for different situations and react more quickly to unexpected developments.
  • Complexity: In a complex world, cause-and-effect relationships are often difficult to recognize, which requires a flexible approach to problem solving. It is important to take different perspectives into account. Teams should be able to analyze complex problems together and find creative solutions.
  • Ambiguity: Describes the ambiguity of information that can be interpreted in different ways and does not allow clear conclusions to be drawn. We are flooded with streams of news every day. It can be difficult to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. Transparent communication and regular sharing of company-specific information are essential to avoid misunderstandings.

BANI - the mindset of the future

While VUCA describes the challenges of a volatile world, BANI goes one step further and highlights the ongoing consequences of fragile structures. The emotional aspect plays a major role here. Futurologist Jamais Cascio first presented this model in 2020. Management strategies based on BANI often include a stronger focus on employee engagement, risk management and the ability to deal with non-linear developments.

How you integrate the BANI model into your business practice

  • Brittle: BANI sheds light on the fragility of systems and structures in a rapidly changing environment. Even if they often appear strong on the outside, many systems are fragile on the inside. Robust risk management helps to identify potential weaknesses and take preventive measures.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety and uncertainty play a major role in uncertain times. It is important to take employees' concerns seriously and strengthen their commitment through open communication.
  • Non-linear: Current events are often no longer logically linked and do not show a clear cause-and-effect relationship. Clear decisions cannot be made so easily. Major efforts often have no effect, while small decisions can have a huge impact. Attempts to use conventional means such as fixed structures and purely factual decisions often lead to a dead end. It is therefore important to obtain regular feedback. Short feedback loops make it possible to recognize changes quickly and easily.
  • Incomprehensible: The VUCA concept recognizes the ambiguity of information. Nowadays, our environment is not only complex, but often also incomprehensible. Many events and changes seem illogical, which means that we are often confronted with unexpected situations. Companies and their employees often simply feel overwhelmed by certain developments. Managers should clearly communicate corporate goals and strategies in order to promote a better understanding of change.

VUCA vs. BANI - which strategy is better?

In practical application, the differences between the two concepts, VUCA and BANI, become apparent. While VUCA focuses on the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous aspects of our modern world, BANI aims to address fragility, anxiety, non-linearity and inconsistency. In business practice, this means that a company that focuses on VUCA aim for rapid adaptation, agile processes and flexible planning methods. Instead of creating long-term project plans and relying on individual forecasts, teams should be able to react quickly to new information and requirements. Agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban make it possible to tackle projects in short iterations and adapt them flexibly.

On the other hand, BANI requires companies to rethink their risk tolerance, focus on the emotional needs of employees and strengthen their ability to solve problems non-linearly. Companies that adopt the BANI model meet modern challenges with resilient structures, mindfulness, adaptability & transparency.

Our conclusion

Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Robert Svetez

Find the right strategy for your company

Both approaches offer valuable perspectives for tackling today's business challenges, but the choice between VUCA and BANI depends on your organization's individual needs and goals.



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